Ambien (Zolpidem)

Ambien (zolpidem) is a hypnotic sedative, also called a hypnotic. Zolpidem influences the chemicals in your head that can be imbalanced in individuals suffering from sleep problems, and insomnia.

Ambien is used for the treatment of insomnia. An immediate-release pill is also used to help you sleep the first time that you go to sleep.

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Form and composition

How does Ambien contain? The instructions claim that the drug in the article in question is composed of an active ingredient such as Zolpidem (10 mg) and auxiliary substances. It is produced in white tablets, placed in cellular contour packs of 15.

Pharmacological features

What is the action of the drug in question? How is it described in terms of directions for use?

Ambien is closely similar to benzodiazepines in terms of its mode of action.

This medicine can show hypnotic, anti-convulsant, amnestic, anxiolytic, and hypnotic properties. The drug’s main active element has a direct effect on the second and first types of benzodiazepine type of receptors. It facilitates anionic receptor opening via GABA channels, leading to an increase in chlorine current.

These drugs react with each other selectively. Therefore, its effect varies depending on the dosage administered.

Therefore, smaller doses make it easier to obtain amnestic, relaxing, and anxiolytic properties and prevent a hypnotic effect.

Why is this medication remarkable?

How much does the package insert say about this? Zolpidem speeds up the falling sleep and improves the sleep experience. It is also important to mention that after waking up, the drowsiness of the patient does not persist.

Properties of Ambien (Zolpidem)

Upon entry into liver tissues, the medicine goes through metabolism, as a result of which its inactive compounds are produced. A portion of them is eliminated in the Urine and about 40% in the feces.

The half-life of the medicine is 150 minutes. In the case of severe hepatic impairment, this procedure is prolonged for up to 10 hours.

Prohibitions for use

Like all medications, Ambien, whose package insert comes in a cardboard box, has contraindications for use. The drug is not prescribed for:

  • an allergy to Zolpidem or another benzodiazepine;
  • respiratory insufficiency of a severe nature;
  • nocturnal apnea;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe liver or renal disease;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity.

It is also worth mentioning that depressed individuals, alcoholics, drug abusers, and people suffering from other kinds of addiction, need to be particularly cautious about taking medications. Doing so could worsen the already precarious position of a patient.

Adverse effects

What is the patient’s tolerance to Ambien? The instructions for administration reviews state that in most cases, the medication in review doesn’t cause any negative responses. Nevertheless, sometimes a person still feels the following unwanted consequences when using this medicine:

  • sickness, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea;
  • insomnia paradoxical, stomach pain, excitement;
  • dizziness, dreams, amnesia anterograde (the latter is a risk of development of the latter is in direct relation to the dose used);
  • Irritability, mental confusion, depression, aggression;
  • abnormal reactions, sleepwalking, and drug dependence.

Special information

Do you need to learn about Ambien? Instructions for use (the medicine is available in tablets in virtually all drugstores) claim that with long-term therapy (approximately 20-30 days), a person can develop a mental or bodily addiction to the medicine.

This is especially the case for people who have a previous addiction to alcohol and other drugs. In connection with that, this group of patients must be constantly controlled, as well as their mental and bodily health should be monitored periodically.

While taking Zolpidem, patients must take into consideration that they should be in a comfortable sleep environment within 8 hours of taking the pill, or they may experience amnesia anterograde.

If insomnia does not go away after a few more weeks of therapy, a patient needs to reevaluate the condition. This paradoxical response is likely to be the result of a primary psychiatric disorder.

In the course of the treatment with the product in a review, a person should refrain from performing activities that require increased concentration, as well as from driving.